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Who is Blessed in the Baha'i Faith?

The Baha'i Writings teaches us who receives God's favor.

Baha'i Faith Blessed

In the Baha'i Faith, there are clear teachings about those who receive God's favor and live a blessed life. However, the Baha'i writings also emphasize that judging others is not our place, and true blessedness comes from our own actions and intentions.

"Blessed is . . .
unto thee . . . who hath cast away thy desire and seized the desire of all the creatures.
the sleeper who is awakened by My breezes!
the dead who is quickened by My breaths!
the eye that is enlightened by My beauty!
the seeker who sought the tent of My majesty and My greatness!
the affrighted one who took refuge under the shadow of My domes!
the thirsty one who hastened to the Salsabil of My favor!
the hungry one who hastened away from desire because of My passion, and was present at the Table that descended from the Heaven of My grace for My elect!
the lowly one who held to the rope of My might, and the poor who took shelter under the shade of the canopy of My wealth!
the ignorant one who desired the Kawther of My knowledge, and the heedless one who held the rope of my remembrance!
the spirit who was stirred by My breath and entered My Kingdom!
the soul whom the fragrance of My union shook and attracted to the Day-spring of My command!
the ear which heard, the tongue which witnessed, and the eye which beheld and knew the soul of the Lord, the possessor of Glory and Dominion, and the Lord of Majesty and Might!
whosoever is illumined by the Sun of My Word!
whosoever adorned his head with the Wreath of My love!
he who heard My grief and rose up for My assistance among My people!
he who redeemed himself in My path and suffered tribulations for My name!
he who was assured in My Word and stood up among the dead for My remembrance!
he who was attracted by My melodies and rent the coverings by My power!
he who performed My Covenant and was not prevented by the world from entering the court of My holiness!
he who cut himself off from all other than Me, soared in the ether of My love, entered My Kingdom, perceived the dominion of My might, drank the Kawther of My favor and the Salsabil of My grace, and was informed of My command and of whatsoever was hidden in the treasuries of My Words, and shone forth from the horizon of inner significances in My commemoration and My praise! Verily, he is of Mine. May My mercy, grace, favor and glory be unto him!
- Bahá’u’lláh, Bahá’í Scriptures, p. 128-130

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