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Praise be to Thee, O my God, that Thou didst graciously remember me through Thy Most Exalted Pen

Baha'i Prayer for Expectant Mothers

Praise be to Thee, O my God, that Thou didst graciously remember me through Thy Most Exalted Pen, at a time when Thou wert held in the Most Great Prison by reason of that which the hands of such enemies as had turned away from Thee and from Thy most resplendent signs had wrought. O my Lord! I have turned unto Thee and have set my face towards Thy Horizon. I beseech Thee, by the wrongs which He Who is the Dayspring of Thy signs and the Dawning-Place of Thy clear tokens hath suffered, to ordain for me what will profit me in every world of Thy worlds. Thou, verily, knowest me better than I know myself. Thou art the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.

I entreat Thee, moreover, O Lord of all being and Possessor of all things visible and invisible, to bestow upon me a righteous child who may make mention of Thee on Thine earth and sing Thy praise throughout Thy realms; this, notwithstanding that Thou hast, with this Tablet, made me rich enough to dispense with every fruit, trace, or mention. I close my supplication, at this moment, with that which one of Thy chosen ones hath aforetime spoken: “O my Lord, leave me not childless, even though there is no better heir than Thyself.”


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