Location of the Shrine of `Abdu'l-Baha

Thanks to the magic of Google Maps, a map of the location of the site of the Shrine of `Abdu'l-Baha has been produced. The maps shows the Shrine's location in relation to other Baha'i Holy places in and around Akka Israel, including the House of 'Abdu'llah Pasha, Prison Barracks of Akka, House of Abbud, and the Ridvan Garden.
Plans for the construction of the Shrine were revealed by the House of Justice in its annual Ridvan message. “The Bahá’í world is being summoned to build the edifice which will forever embosom those sacred remains,” states the message. The Shrine will be built in the vicinity of the Ridvan Garden in Akka, a place Baha’u’llah visited on several occasions in the later years of His life.
“It is our heartfelt desire that this sacred edifice will be raised up through the universal participation of the friends,” the House of Justice wrote today.