COVID-19 Mini Series: “Resilience in the face of adversity”
The Office of Public Information of the Baha'i Community of Canada have released a new podcast. On this podcast, they talk to people across Canada about the values and principles that inform the way they are thinking about society, and how we can create a better public discourse. Staff of the Office of Public Affairs bring together guests who are contributing to the national conversation, and explore with them how insights from religion, science, and practice can help to foster new approaches to challenges facing Canadian society.
In the new COVID-19 Mini Series: “Resilience in the face of adversity”, they talk about how the coronavirus health crisis reveals insights about the values that bind us together.
On this episode, they talk with Dr. Lita Cameron and Prof. John Milloy about how an ethic of service to others is informing the response of physicians and government officials to the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Cameron is a family physician in Hamilton, and Prof. Milloy is a professor of public ethics and former minister in the Ontario government. Listen >
On this episode, we talk with Hannah Marazzi, Esther Maloney and Eric Farr about the ways in which religion and spirituality are shaping responses to the coronavirus health crisis, and how we can emerge from the crisis with a new consciousness. Marazzi works with Cardus, Maloney leads the Illumine Media Project, and Farr is a PhD student in religion. Listen >